Repair & Maintainance

We also provide repairing and maintanance service and support packages to our clients. Our dedicated procurement team source equipment that meets client specifications and requirements from our pre-qualified vendors.

Repair And Maintain Service

To successfully maintain peak efficiency of an organisation, it is very essential to have an effective repair and maintenance service that helps your business operate smoothly and seamlessly. Primary objective of Goose Support Services is to minimise the downtime caused due to maintenance and repair, which we achieve through highly-trained & experienced repair and maintenance team.
Our team have the necessary resources to react quickly and offer compelling solutions that minimise downtime and prioritize high grade output. We also provide 24×7 care through planned and unplanned maintenance works, enabling clients to extract them maximum value.

Our basic Repair & Maintenance services includes:

⦁ A/C and Electrical Maintenance
⦁ Additions and Alterations
⦁ Special Repairs
⦁ Day to Day Repairs
⦁ Preventive Maintenance
⦁ Protective Maintenance

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